Tuesday, February 19, 2008

shobe's birthdayyy

twas shobe's bday yesterday (and twas the first day of our prefi exams) so after our compro -( the program tracing was all about the JOptionPane and stuffs connected to that-and that was i least studied DEMN!)- ,we went to gmall-we were so vaiiin :))- sonic boom→foodcourt(starwalk) and their sobrang vaiin namen,may pasaway pa na crew haha→parkinglot porsche!→greenwich→penshoppe→human→bench. then OUT. sakay ng taxi → greenhills kainan galore! yea! and then we went to people's park. it's fun. real fun. yea ginawa nila akong fotog :( uhmp! kaya most of the pics sila lang :( esp. dun sa bridge ambad nila :(

pictures are posted in my multi :)